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tv   ABC7 News 430AM  ABC  September 21, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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captioned by closed captioning services, inc. good morning. friday 4:30. so much going on shuttle fly by, apple iphone 5 coming out. giants game. i'm kristen sze. i'm terry mcsweeney in for eric thomas. he's not off he's on assignment. let's check the forecast. >> one more day of summer another day of beginning autumn tomorrow. we are looking at a nice start patchy low clouds and fog. these clouds will be thinning out, not many, we'll be looking at numbers in the 50s throughout much of the mid-morning hours. by noon should be around 60 at our coast, low 70s inland and once again, mid 80s.
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should be a beautiful afternoon inland valleys even sunshine at our coast, 60s there and the weekend very little change as we transition from summer to autumn. good morning. happy friday light at the macarthur maze. we'll talk about the shuttle endeavour and traffic around that in a couple of minutes. wherever it is, expect heavy traffic as folks will be watching that. earlier accident southbound 680 before 24 interchange a few brake lights that is off to the right shoulder. issue in san francisco with the dream force convention at mosconey center howard between third and fourth again today and tomorrow expect major delays south of market. >> i got caught in that traffic yesterday. san francisco police are on alert for more rowdy protests after one of their stations was vandalized in a hostile attack after officers shot an armed suspect. amy hollyfield is live at the
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mission police station. >> reporter: check out the graffiti at the police station. the man the officer shot did not die you can see they spray painted the word "killers" on the front door of the police station. protesters were out between 10:30 and midnight. witnesses say they were yelling obscenities as they walked up and down the streets in the mission. police put on riot gear and monitored the march. protesters cursed at them and taunted the officers. they came out because of an officer-involved shooting 8:00 in the 200 of 14th street. police say two plainclothes officers from the gang task force were working with two probation officers they saw two people they recognized as gang members tried to talk to them they say the men ran, one pulled a gun turned toward the
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officers and started to raise the pistol and that's when the officer shot him. >> any time i control an -- i come across police brutality i'm always in opposition to that. in san francisco where you have lots of violent crime, very little gun crime it is incredibly inappropriate. >> reporter: police say the man had a tech 9 pistol they did recover it. the suspect was shot twice, they say he's expected to survive. as for the protest, aside from the vandalism, it was peaceful they didn't do damage to any other buildings in the mission. police are still posted here in front of the mission station. they said they've been assigned to stay and guard the station just in case. it is quiet here this morning. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. contra costa sheriff's
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investigators looking into a shooting rodeo last night a man was shot 9:30 air lived to a local trauma center with life-threatening injuries. investigators are not releasing -- details. bay area residents will get a once in a lifetime chance to see endeavour fly into history this morning. the schedule got pushed back one hour to give time for the fog to dissipate. it is now leaving edwards air force base in southern california 8:15 this morning. aboard a especially equipped 747. weather permitting, nasa says any time after 9:30 it will fly over oakland, museum, exploratorium and hall of science. some of those places have special events. then scheduled to pay tribute with a low fly over at the nasa ames research center.
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the program has strong ties to california's aerospace industry. yesterday it flew from houston to edwards air force base in southern california where it is spending the we want to know where you are planning to see the endeavour this morning. let us know on our facebook page. or tweet us. be sure to send pictures and video from the shuttle fly over this morning. just a few hours ago until a highly anticipated iphone 5 will be available to customers. we want to take you out to new york city. the fifth avenue flagship store, the big apple waiting for the big apple iphone 5. i don't think it was named after the big apple. >> no. but the big apple is certainly biting this morning. >> rim shot please! >> reporter: the tents are up, and the tv's are out, apple
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fans are settling in, in a few hours their wait will be over and they will have the new iphone 5 in their hands. first in line, he's been here since monday night. >> my way of thanking apple for being such a great company. >> reporter: a company that keeps putting out products people want. >> each iphone design is very unique and it is just truly a work of art. >> reporter: despite early complaints about the new map, apple promises iphone 5 will not disappoint. it is leitner weight, thinner, faster, the -- the screen is bigger and speaker and camera are better than any other model. >> it feels different than any other phone, lighter, feels like a swiss watch. >> reporter: some are willing to go to the distance even fit means lying got here tuesday night, my parents think i'm on a field trip at lake that home >> reporter: a few are here to
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make extra cash. apple is only allowing two per person. many plan to sell the spare on craigslist the going rate, $1500. others meantime, can make money right here. >> people are saying, i'll give awe extra $100, $2300 if you let me come through. >> reporter: lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. mitt romney brings his campaign to the bay area today scheduled to appear at a $50,000 per person fundraiser at a private home in hillsborough. has no public events scheduled. this event is closed to the media. he swung through in july attending fundraisers at fairmont hotel, dinner at a home and private lunch in woodside. president obama will be return the bay area for his sixth fundraising event. tickets for october 8th rally and concert at the civic auditorium are on sale from $100 to $7500.
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president obama's last bay area visit was in july. he spent 83 million dollars last month on his campaign. mitt romney has spent more than 50 million dollars. concord city workers will take to picket lines 7:00 this protest the first of 13 furlough fridays. the union that represents some of the city workers claim the furloughs are unlawful because voters passed measure q. union says that measure raised city revenue for the purpose of protecting and maining services. it claims the referendum is being ignored. in the past four days we've been hearing about unseasonably cool. the season is change, so what does that mean? >> i think it changes tomorrow. today is the farewell to summer. >> let's make it a good one. let's check in with meteorologist lisa argen good morning. >> reporter: good morning.
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yeah, the transition is going to be subtle, the weather has been nice with lots of sun investigation little fog at our coast starting out this morning with -- live doppler showing not much in the way of low clouds around fog a hail long the san mateo coast the -- fog a little along the san mateo coast. as we take a look at the shuttle forecast, there is a little cloudiness, this is really going to thin out by 9:30, 10, sunny skies, golden gate bridge, mountain view, temperatures will be climbing through the 50s. starting out if you are planning your day, chilly start north bay mid 40s, 50s oakland, san francisco by noon, mid 70s inland, 60s around the bay, we'll get a little breezy into the afternoon but 70s and 80s once again and then the temperatures quickly drop off by the evening. notice, as we usher in autumn
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tomorrow morning another pleasant day, sunday a little more breeze and maybe a few more low clouds. good morning. earlier accident southbound 680 at 24 on the shoulder. roadwork northbound and southbound 101 through the waldo grade, primarily northbound through sausalito, bright lights out there, very distracting for drivers be warned that should be picked up by 6:00. roadwork on the golden gate bridge both directions one lane while they get that picked up. here's a dream force convention we were mentioning, howard street remains closed through tomorrow between third and fourth gridlock south of market if you are headed that way. otherwise a live look at san rafael, headlights snaking southbound past lucas valley road no significant delays, live look at the bay bridge toll that is very light, friday light, we're hoping, as well. 4:40.
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>> another twist in the hantavirus outbreak at yosemite national park. the questions health officials are asking workers. discovery in the east bay that is raising new concern about the spread of the west nile virus. changing story. what o.j. simpson's friend kato kaelin is saying about the murder of simpson's wife nicole. in today's tech bites iphone 5 goes on sale today this could be the biggest electronic launch in history with some waiting all night to buy one. tech editor says the iphone 5 is easier to use than android phones. >> as apple adds features you never find it more confusing that sets the iphone 5 apart that's why it is the best smartphone for the masses. >> it isn't all good news, complaints are pouring in about the new maps app, towns, missing, -- wal-mart will stop
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selling kindle e-readers and tablets. they don't want customers browsing in stores and buying online from amaz
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good morning. live look san francisco, embarcadero some of the down town buildings. not too many clouds although we have some scattered around the bay. lisa argen says we will continue our cool september trend. will fall bring changes? we'll get details, coming up. the viewing weather. west nile virus has turned up in mosquitoes and dead birds in contra costa county infected mosquitoes were found in antioch where fogging took place wednesday night four dead birds were found, two
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chickens from the holland track, two reported cases of human infection this year. new development in the hantavirus outbreak. health officials want to survey workers to see if they were exposed to the virus carried by mice. nine people developed hantavirus between june and august three people died. three park employees also developed symptoms. test revealed they were not exposed to the deadly strain. health officials want to know how aware park workers are of the symptoms. key witness in the o.j. simpson murder trial now identifies simpson as the killer in an interview with the "new york post." kato kaelin testified that he heard three thumps from his guest house the night nicole broken simpson and ron goldman were murdered. simpson was acquitted in the criminal trial.
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kaelin gave more detailed testimony in the civil trial. he is no longer fearing possible perjury charge says i can now say yes he did it. he said he was too scared to give testimony that would have helped prosecutors in the criminal trial. major announcement about the war in afghanistan. next, what is behind a decision to withdraw thousands of troops from the region? why tons and tons of sand being moved from one side of san francisco's ocean to the other.)&o;y health benefits of tea. the results of new research that may have you drinking more. 3q finally carpet cleaning got easier.
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try resolve easy clean to deep clean your carpets. just 3 easy steps for beautifully clean carpets. it removes 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. work, errands, a greasy bag of deep-fried easy. ♪ fortunately with hamburger helper's 40 varieties a home-cooked meal is never out of reach.
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hamburger helper. help is on the way. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. here's a look at the nation right now, no delays, green all across the nation.
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storms around st. louis later on to the mississippi river valley could see wet weather otherwise just a little in the way of low clouds and fog along our shoreline. setting up to a nice day, more sunshine upper 80s to the east of us and sacramento valley, mid 90s in fresno. locally, we are looking at a very comfortable spread. 60s at our coast to the mid 80s inland for this last day of summer. the u.s. troops surge in afghanistan is over. u.s. officials confirm the last of the surge forces have left the battlefield and the country. tens of thousands of american troops remain in harm's way. >> reporter: defense secretary panetta calls it an important milestone. it has been almost three years since a wave of additional troops deployed to afghanistan in a surge designed to cripple the taliban, defeat al-qaeda and give afghan forces the
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support they need. this morning the last of those americans are out. it was december 1st, 2009 at west point that president obama announced the surge. >> the president: as commander in chief, i have determined that it is in our vital national interest, to send additional 30,000 united states troops to afghanistan. >> reporter: at that time, he announced the schedule for their withdrawal. a goal that has been met. 33,000, u.s. troops took part in the surge, 10,000 were out by july of last year and the remaining 23,000 are now gone. in his statement, the defense secretary had a sobering reminder, saying it is important to underscore even as our surge troops return home there are roughly 68,000 americans who remain in a tough fight in afghanistan along side their nato and afghan partners, we are a nation at war. the human toll of the surge was tremendous. of the almost 2,000 u.s. casualties in afghanistan, 57%
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happened during the surge. now, those who remain face the die-hard insurgents and growing threat of insider attacks. the deadline to bring the final troops home is still 2014. back here good news for anyone who relies on san francisco's great highway for their commute. the project that closed southbound lanes from lincoln to skyline boulevard will be completed monday. four days ahead of schedule. dump instructions and bulldozers have been taking sand from the northside of ocean beach and moved back to the south. the tides of drifting sand and erosion that comes with it had been threatening to wash away the great highway and the water pollution control plant near the zoo. >> with the storms in 2009 there was a lot of erosion and part of the road wash they did temporary measures, and things
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this is just another interim measure. >> project moved the equivalent of 30 olympic-sized swimming pools of stand and spread it across 700 feet of coastline. officials will be monitoring what happens with the newly placed sand as they consider a long term solution. >> i think a lot of people are excited about the endeavour fly by in the bay area coming up. they delayed it a little so the fog could clear in case we had any. what is going on? >> he's been talking about it for a week. he wanted the forecast 10 days ago. what did i say 10 days ago? >> you said it is going to be fine. you said a few other things, but we won't get into that. >> the fog with that northerly gradient is limited a little along the san mateo coast live doppler not showing too much official sunrise 6:57 with limited intrusion of low
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clouds and fog nice start to the weekend. sunny skies throughout much of the morning, afternoon and we're talking about good looking weekend as summer officially ends. not mum of a transition from summer -- not much of a transition from summer to fall the weather nice through the weekend 53 san francisco good morning oakland 54 you, 61 antioch cool numbers to the north around santa rosa, mid 40s around half moon bay this morning. we are looking at a little bit in the way of low cloudiness, partly cloudy, cool by this afternoon, throughout the mid-morning, at well, lots of sunshine with temperatures not changing in fact, the numbers will be a little warmer to start your weekend for the first day of fall, by sunday, maybe a few degrees cooler, a little breezy over the pwaeufpt the reason why, this area of low pressure right now to the north and west of us will continue to track north and east of us that is going to really stay out of the
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picture. it is going to allow for lots of sunshine and great viewing from sacramento this morning, clear conditions, the fog continues to thin out and by 9:30 the golden gate bridge sunny as it heads down towards mountain view later this afternoon. no matter where you go should be beautiful, 73 santa rosa, 76 saratoga, 60s at our coast, stubborn patches of fog around half moon bay otherwise 65 downtown, plenty of sun with 78 in petaluma, low 80s for calistoga. to our east bay, we'll have upper 60s, richmond, low 70s pleasanton, inland valleys looking good upper 80s there monterey bay sunshine here's the look ahead, very little change, cooler into next week. good morning. happy friday. if you are headed out to watch the space shuttle endeavour mountain view nasa ames is
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expecting over 8,000 people. traffic will be just a nightmare obviously when the fly by happens as well highway 101 past moffett field 87, 237 and across the golden gate bridge when it makes that fly over expect bumper-to-bumper traffic. it will be exciting to see. right now golden gate bridge light, crews just starting to snake their way to reconfigure for your morning commute. roadwork on the north end of the span just being picked up. you will find a little slow traffic past the scene down to one lane until they can get that reconfigured. bay bridge light, good news no metering lights so far, upper deck moving well into san francisco. san mateo bridge tail lights towards foster city and highrise right now moving nicely. san jose southbound, very -- light traffic headed northbound from san jose to cupertino. you may not think a cup of
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tea as medicine, researchers do. new study announced symposium on tea showed green tea can reduce risk of osteoporosis, especially when combined with tai chi form of exercise based on chinese martial arts. green tea can burn up to 100 calories a day. black tea found to be good for the heart if you drink it before consuming a high fat meal. another study may have you adding low-fat yogurt to your breakfast found to help keep high blood pressure under control. the study followed 2,000 adults and found those who ate more low-fat yogurt was 31% less likely to develop high blood pressure. the study was partially funded by the yogurt company dannon. roughly 68 million americans have high blood pressure.
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next, the spectacular arrival of the space shuttle endeavour, we are hours away from its bay area fly over. how close will it come to your house? disaster narrow lay ed in north bay after driver hits gas instead of brake. mortgage fraud ring exposed in a 7 on your side investigation. police can't find one of the men just convicted.
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